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Super Quick Syntax Highlighting Update

This is just a very quick update on syntax highlighting. I’ve updated the syntax highlighting plugin since the last post on the subject. The change allows the plugin to correctly interpret and handle sized numbers, and this site now uses the updated plugin. While I was updating the code, I decided to start the process to host the plugin on WordPress.org. That way it will be available for others to use.

The process of registering a WordPress plugin is not very difficult. It involves going through a review process which includes following the established guidelines. Those guidelines include ensuring that your uses a GPLv2+ compatible software license. In my case that is the MIT license that github provides. And it involves providing some meta data to describe your plugin. In the next week or so I will get feedback on whether WordPress accepted the submission. At that point I will have to recall how to use SVN to publish the source and assets for the plugin.

If all goes well the Verilog plugin should be available before long. I may have to consider a plugin for other commonly used files. For example, the Xilinx Design Constraint files as those can be lengthy and somewhat difficult to read.

That’s enough for now. If you have feedback, questions or suggestions, please leave a comment!

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