Verilog Keywords

While I am learning I often find it useful to keep an up-to-date list of common Verilog and SystemVerilog keywords handy. I built this page as a simple cheat sheet for myself, and I will keep adding to it as I progress. Note that I have not attempted to provide a complete reference of the IEEE-1364 Verilog standard. I am including primarily those keywords that I find are most commonly used. In particular I focus on those keywords most useful for synthesis and for testbench creation.

Verilog Keywords

Note also that I haven’t differentiated between the various Verilog standards: Verilog-95, Verilog-2001 or Verilog-2005. Nor have I differentiated between Verilog and SystemVerilog. If that seems important drop me a comment and let me know and I can add a legend or split the table out by standard or major dialect. You can read more about Verilog here. See also the list of Verilog operators.

Most important Verilog keywords

  1. module: A building block in Verilog that defines a hardware module. It is always terminated with **endmodule**. The module keyword is followed by the circuit name and a port list, where each port can be either an input or an output.
  2. assign: Creates combinational logic. It assigns a value to a wire or register.
  3. case: Defines conditional branching based on the value of an expression.
  4. while: Defines loop constructs.
  5. wire and reg: These are data types in Verilog. wire represents a continuous assignment, while reg represents a register.
  6. Logical operators: Keywords like and, or, and nand are used for logical operations.
  7. System tasks and functions: Verilog includes built-in system tasks and functions that perform specific actions, such as $display, $monitor, and $finish.

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